“Reemosha” A Sausage and Liver street vendor project

Reem El-Morshedy is the first woman to have a sausage and liver street vending cart.

Reem El-Morshedy is the first woman to have a sausage and liver street vending cart.
Reem graduated from the Faculty of Arts, French section and has worked in a multitude of prestigious jobs, but she couldn’t forgo her dream of becoming a restaurant owner for a long time. Reem decided to quit her job and opened a liver and sausage street vending cart, facing all the societal obstacles in addition to her father’s rejection to the idea.
Reem’s dream came true and she became the first woman to have a liver and sausage street vending cart (Reemosha) on her own.
Unexpectedly, she found all the encouragement and approbation needed, contrary to what she had expected, which helped her to accept the challenge and have the determination to succeed in spite of going out of the ordinary.

Reem decided to quit her job and opened a liver and sausage street vending cart
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