What’s in The Box?!

“What’s in the box?” is the name of the musical play organized by “Man Ahyaha” Organization in an effort to show the effect of art in changing children’s behavior and releasing such skills from them in only 10 days,

Art is one of the vital means used in community development, especially for children. That’s why “Man Ahyaha” organization followed this method in developing children’s behavior at “El Baharwa” village through producing a play starring these children.
In the last few months, “Man Ahyaha” started implementing the Alternative Education method in Baharwa area in Ayyat. Alternative Education is based on two dimensions; Academic and Behavioral dimensions for kids.
The Organization’s members decided to make a play starring children from “Baharwa” Area and conducted a 10-day workshop in preparation for the play. This play aims to shed a light on an unknown area, in addition to the importance of behavioral change.
“What’s in the box?” is the name of the musical play organized by “Man Ahyaha” Organization in an effort to show the effect of art in changing children’s behavior and releasing such skills from them in only 10 days, and to prove to everyone that those kids are capable of doing so much more just by little effort and care.

Art is one of the vital means used in community development
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